
Do You Need to Use Mouthwash Along With Your Daily Brushing and Flossing Routine?

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Mouthwashes or oral rinses are a liquid product you can use to clear harmful bacteria off your teeth, gums, and a mouth that lead to tooth decay and gum disease, oral ulcers, and bad breath. Mouthwash complements your twice-daily brushing and once-a-day flossing dental hygiene routine.

Preventative care utilizing mouthwashes helps protect your oral health and your daily hygiene care and six-month dental cleanings and exams. At Valley View Dental, we work with you to help you maintain good oral health. We support using certain mouthwashes to help those patients who need it.

Plaque Removal

We recommend antibacterial mouthwash, Chlorhexidine digluconate from Corsodyl. It works quickly to kill harmful bacteria in seconds while forming a protective layer over your gums and teeth. This layer helps keep plaque from building up again for up to 12 hours. This mouthwash is the gold standard when it comes to fighting plaque and gum disease, or gingivitis.

Managing Dry Mouth

We recommend using Biotène to help manage the symptoms of dry mouth around the clock. Dry mouth is a severe oral condition that can harm your teeth and gum health. Insufficient saliva production allows plaque to thrive. Saliva plays an essential job of not just breaking down food to be swallowed and digested, but it keeps the mouth moist, bathing teeth and gums in healthy enzymes. For those who have dry mouth, we support the Biotène rinse, gel, and spray that is clinically proven to soothe and moisturize your dry mouth. Biotène also has a cavity-fighting toothpaste and lozenge to freshen breath when you are out and about.

Schedule an Appointment

Daily brushing, flossing, and protecting teeth and gums with mouthwash as needed are effective ways to maintain a healthy smile. Regular dental cleanings and checkups with our dental team support your ongoing efforts. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, give our teams in Romeoville, Naperville, or Montgomery, Illinois, a call today!