
A Guide To Best Professional Teeth Whitening For Radiant Smiles

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With summer around the corner, everyone is looking forward to bright and sunny days, outdoor activities and lots of smiles in photos. If you’re thinking about enhancing your smile with brighter teeth, professional teeth whitening can be a great option. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the professional teeth whitening options available, helping you choose the best method to achieve that dazzling summer smile.

In-Office Professional Whitening Treatment

The quickest and most effective way to whiten your teeth is by visiting our dentists for an in-office whitening treatment. This procedure typically uses a high-concentration peroxide gel applied by a dental professional. The major benefit of in-office treatment is the speed of results; significant whitening can be achieved in just about an hour. This method is ideal for those who want instant results or have a special occasion coming up quickly.

Custom Take-Home Kits

Another professional option is a custom take-home whitening kit provided by our dentists. Unlike over-the-counter kits, these are customized with trays made from molds of your own teeth, ensuring the whitening agent is evenly distributed. The whitening gel used in these kits is typically stronger than what you can buy in stores, but less potent than the gel used in in-office procedures.

Our dentists will provide instructions on how to use the kit, including how long to wear the trays each day and for how many days. This method allows more flexibility and comfort since you can whiten your teeth at home over a couple of weeks.

Deep Bleaching

For those looking for more extensive whitening, or who have severe discoloration, deep bleaching might be the right choice. This technique combines in-office and take-home treatments. It usually starts with an in-office procedure followed by a period of home treatment using custom trays and finishes with a final in-office treatment. This method is highly effective for achieving long-lasting and deep whitening results.

Considerations and Care

Before deciding on a whitening procedure, it’s important to consult with our dentists. We can advise you on the best method based on the condition of your teeth and your whitening goals. It’s also crucial to consider the potential side effects, like tooth sensitivity or gum irritation, which are more manageable under professional guidance.

After whitening, maintaining your new bright smile involves good daily oral hygiene and possibly some lifestyle adjustments, such as reducing your intake of staining foods and drinks (like coffee, tea and red wine) and refraining from smoking.

Call To Learn More

If you are seeking a quick method to enhance the look of your smile, consider an Opalescence® teeth whitening treatment. For those interested in in-office procedures, Opalescence Boost™ in-office whitening is available. This powerful 40% hydrogen peroxide whitening gel can significantly brighten your teeth in just about an hour while you sit comfortably in the dental chair. It’s a safe and effective solution for achieving a luminous, whiter smile!

Our dentists offer professional whitening services that can revitalize your smile and give your teeth a glossy, white appearance. Reach out to our Valley View Dental team today to learn more about our teeth whitening options in Romeoville, Naperville, and Montgomery, Illinois, including the nearby suburbs. Schedule your appointment and take a step towards a brighter smile just in time for summer!