
Taking Proper Care of Your Dentures Will Make Them Last Longer and Feel Better

Modern dentures are better than ever before and last longer than ever when properly cared for. Today we're going to talk about what you can do to make sure your dentures stay in their best shape for a healthier, more beautiful smile! Just like your natural teeth, your dentures require consistent daily care, mainly because of harmful plaque buildup (food... read more »

We’re Highlighting the Benefits of Saving a Damaged Tooth!

As dentists, we are often asked a variety of questions about root canals, and we'd like to take this time to share some of the most common questions we get asked about this often-misunderstood dental treatment! Root canal, what is it? A root canal treatment is simply a dental procedure that takes care of infection and inflammation happening on the... read more »

3 Tips for a Healthy Mouth: Brush, Be Gentle and Care for Your Tongue

In honor of National Dental Hygienists Week, we have three tips to help you maintain a healthier mouth. A clean mouth is a healthier mouth because you're keeping harmful bacterial plaque from damaging your smile, preventing tooth decay and gum disease. Optimal Teeth Brushing Steps -Get in the habit of brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes each... read more »

7 Foods and Drinks To Avoid if You Want To Keep Your Teeth Healthy!

When it comes to your oral health, your teeth and gums rule. You'll want to keep them healthy by brushing and flossing daily and seeing your dentist regularly to protect your tooth enamel. Anything that weakens tooth enamel means that oral bacteria and dental plaque can create holes in the enamel, allowing tooth decay and cavities to develop. Those cavities... read more »

Today We’re Clearing the Air on the Link Between Vaping and Your Oral Health

Vaping has become a popular alternative to the harmful habits of smoking or chewing tobacco. With vaping, you still get the "hit" of nicotine by inhaling vapor created with an electronic cigarette called a vaporizer. It works by converting an e-liquid, concentrate, or dry herb into vapor which you then inhale and exhale to get the calming effects. On the... read more »

Tired of Seeing Your Smile’s Flaws When You Look In The Mirror?

Your Tax Refund Can Help!  Have you considered using it to invest in your smile instead of another vacation, new wardrobe, or replacing appliances? Using these extra funds to finally get the smile you want this year may be one of the wisest choices of all! Especially if you're tired of living with damaged, failing, or missing teeth for far... read more »

If You Fear the Dentist, You Are Not Alone!

Learn Why People Are Afraid of the Dentist And What We Can Do About It! Many people don't enjoy going to the dentist, mostly because they fear pain and worry they will experience some during their treatment. That's a shame because a healthy smile doesn't just benefit your appearance, chewing, and speaking ability, but boosts your overall health as well.... read more »

It’s A Great Time To Make Changes for a Healthier Smile and Life!

Dental care has always been safe and is essential to your overall health. It's a new year and with it comes the resolve to better our health. But don't forget your smile, as it deserves some extra care as well! Our tip to help you prevent tooth decay and cavities is to consider having regular fluoride treatments, typically after you... read more »

Are Dental Sealants Safe To Use on Your Child’s Developing Smile?

February is National Children's Dental Health Month. Did you know that cavities are the most common infectious disease in children and the most common chronic disease in both children and adults? When it comes to your child's oral health, we offer high-quality dental treatments that protect their developing smile and set the foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles. One... read more »