
Simplified Summer Travel: Keeping Your Smile Beautiful On The Go

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Traveling is an exhilarating experience, filled with new adventures, sights and flavors. However, amid the excitement, neglecting your oral hygiene routine can happen all too easily. Whether you’re embarking on a weekend getaway or an extended summer vacation, maintaining your healthy smile on the go is always a good idea. Here are some simple, but effective, tips to help you maintain your bright and healthy smile no matter where your travels take you!

Pack Wisely

Start by packing a travel-sized oral hygiene kit. Include a toothbrush with a cover, a small tube of fluoride toothpaste, dental floss and a pack of sugar-free chewing gum. These dental essentials will help you maintain your healthy routine even when you’re far from home. Consider a foldable toothbrush to save space in your travel pack and a small bottle of mouthwash for a quick and easy freshen-up.

Stick to Your Normal Hygiene Routine

Travel can disrupt your daily schedule, but try to stick to your usual oral hygiene routine as much as possible. Remember to take the time to clean your pearly whites; brush your teeth preferably twice a day for (at least) two minutes and floss daily. If you’re flying, avoid brushing immediately after consuming acidic airplane food or drinks; wait at least 30 minutes to protect your tooth enamel.

Stay Well-Hydrated

Staying well-hydrated is vital for your overall health and your oral health. Water helps wash away stray bits of food particles and oral bacteria that can cause bad breath and decay. Carry a reusable water bottle and sip it regularly, especially if you’re in a hot climate or engaging in strenuous physical activities.

Watch Your Diet

Traveling often means indulging in new and exciting foods. While it’s okay to treat yourself, be mindful of your sugar intake. Sugary snacks and drinks can lead to cavities, especially if you don’t have the opportunity to brush your teeth soon after. Opt for healthier snacks like fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts, which are better for your teeth and nutritionally overall health.

Indulge in Sugar-Free Gum

Did you know chewing sugar-free gum can be a lifesaver (or more accurately, a tooth saver) when you can’t brush your teeth after a meal? That’s because chewing gum promotes saliva production, which can help neutralize harmful oral acids and wash away debris. Look for gum with xylitol, a natural sweetener that has been shown to reduce cavity-causing bacteria.

Avoid Using Your Teeth as Tools

It’s tempting to use your teeth to open bottles, tear packages or bite your nails, especially when you’re on the go and tools aren’t readily available. However, this can cause chips, cracks and other dental injuries. Always use the proper tools instead to avoid damaging those pearly whites.

Schedule a Pre-Travel Dental Checkup

If you’re planning an extended trip, it’s a good idea to schedule a checkup before you leave. Your dentist can address any issues and provide professional advice tailored to your travel plans. Knowing your teeth are in good condition can provide welcome reassurance and enhance your travel experience with much-needed and well-deserved self-confidence.

Emergency Dental Care

Unfortunately, despite your best efforts, dental emergencies can occasionally happen. Take the time to pre-emptively research dental clinics in your travel destination ahead of time, especially if you’re traveling abroad. Knowing where to go in case of an unanticipated emergency can save you valuable time and reduce unnecessary stress.

Enjoy Your Vacation and Your Beautiful Smile

As you can see, maintaining your oral hygiene while traveling doesn’t have to be a chore. With a little preparation and mindful strategy, you can keep your smile healthy and bright, ensuring that your travels are memorable for all the right reasons. You can also smile for those soon-to-be picturesque memories with confidence!

Our Valley View Dental team invites you to reach out to us at a location nearest you to schedule a routine dental cleaning and exam.  We are happy to treat patients in our Romeoville, Naperville, and Montgomery, Illinois, locations!